Geoska red wines
Red wine is the most popular wine in the world.when you hear about wine, you remember red color Geeska lineup we produce 7 models wine. 3 models in our daily series and 4 models in our premium series. a complete range of red wine sure can select your ideal type! in our red wine product basket we have dry wine, Semi-dry and can select your faverait flavor and drink your moments! yes it is a geoska wine. you can find a best with the best quality and flavor! welcome to Geoska world.
Geoska White wine
white wine maybe is not so popular same as red wine but a lot of people like it and sometimes they try it. especially when they won't drink wine with some food such as fish. in Georgia, we have so many famous white wines, and Georgian people like this type of wine .in the Geoska lineup we produce 4 models of white wine. 3 models in our daily series and 1 model in our premium series. we have a complete range of white wine types. in our white wine product basket, we have white dry wine, white semi-dry, and white semi-sweet. you can select your favorite flavor and drink your moments! welcome to Geoska world.
Quvevri wine
In Georgia, we have a unique wine that you can not find anywhere. we call it Quvevri wine. Quvevri is a large earthenware vessel used for the fermentation, storage, and aging of traditional Georgian wine. they are either buried below ground or set into the floors of large wine cellars. Kvevris vary in size: volumes range from 20 liters to around 10,00.
Archaeological excavations in the southern Georgian region of Kvemo Kartli uncovered evidence of grape pips and Quvevri vessels dating back to the 6th millennium B.C. The clay used to manufacture a Quvevri must be carefully chosen, as its characteristics will influence the wine's mineral content. The process of making wine in Kvevri is at least five to six months before being decanted and bottled. This type of wine is completely organic. it has been made in a minimum of 5 months and is more expensive than regular wine. in Geoska company we will produce a complete range of Quvevri wine in 2023. you can order a complete range of this type of wine.
Geoska Chacha
Chacha is a clear and strong alcoholic drink. it has between 40% alcohol to 65%. Chacha is sometimes called "Wine vodka", "grape vodka", or "Georgian vodka/grappa". It is made of grape pomace (grape residue left after making wine). The term Chacha is used in Georgia to refer to grape distillate. It may be also produced from unripe or wild grapes. in Georgia sometimes Chacha is mixed with fruits or herbs used are figs, tangerines, oranges, mulberries, or tarragon. and flavor Geoska's mid-term business plan, we will produce this type of alcoholic drink.
Geoska Brandy
in Georgia, we have a unique Brandy. It's Georgian Brandy that was creat by Dr. Devit Sarajishvili.
in 1885 David Sarajishvili discover a new formula for Georgian cognac and brandy. after one century, all of the worlds knows this type of Brandy, and a lot of people drink it at different times. it has between 48% alcohol to 60%.and prepared in factories or Geoska's mid-term business plan, we will produce this type of alcoholic drink. we will produce our Brandy drink around 2024.
Geoska Beer
Beer is the most popular drink in the world. one lovely drink for everybody. It is not important you have many years old! if you are young or old, if you are a lady or gentleman, if you are at a party or home, if you are in winter or summer, surely you will like to drink a big mug of beer!
in Georgia, we have a lot of factories that produce beer. Georgian people like it so much beer and often drink it. At Geoska company we have a plan for producing beer in the long term plan. it is not our dream. it is our plan. we will do it as soon as possible.
In Geoska company we have 11 models different wine now. you can see our lineup map in this picture. in generally our products has been divided to 2 different main categories.
in our daily series wine, we have 6 models. 3 models red and 3 models white. you can see our daily series models as below:
in premium series we have 5 models and that is targets to mid range of the this category we have 1 model white dry model and 4 models red. you can see more details as below:
we have more than 500 types of grapes and everybody can find a lot of wine and enjoy of drinking. in below you will be know with most popular Georgian grapes